Dear friends
Welcome to my blog, I hope this blog will give you a place to take a short break and link up other friends who you may want to meet them here.
This blog will, certainly, bring you close to my life, to my new motion, and even let you to know more about me via a real angle that I show you more than I can say for you.
Today is 10 June 2007, time in HK is 17:06pm.
This rough report is dedicated to my mother for willingly accepting his son who has a passion for tortoises. She helps to care for and breed my favor tortoises at home everyday when I go out for working.
Welcome to my blog, I hope this blog will give you a place to take a short break and link up other friends who you may want to meet them here.
This blog will, certainly, bring you close to my life, to my new motion, and even let you to know more about me via a real angle that I show you more than I can say for you.
Today is 10 June 2007, time in HK is 17:06pm.
This rough report is dedicated to my mother for willingly accepting his son who has a passion for tortoises. She helps to care for and breed my favor tortoises at home everyday when I go out for working.

A nickname "Eating Machine" is more suitable for sulcata tortoises. As for my house, my two sulcatas like exercising all the time in the house, they destroyed our sofa many times.....they are like a destructive tank (they grow toothed-shell in their margin) to trim my sofa chair.
<--- See left picture, my sofa chair was destroyed by my two sulcatas, I hate them but love them very much as well!
One of my sulcatas, ToTo, she likes exercising in the house and likes destroying all furniture, all matters with colour in green.
Profile:My sulucatas (Toto & Big Piece)
Age: 4
Gender: Male
Country of Origin: Africa
In addition, I have some tortoises like Leopard Tortoise, India Star Tortoise, Golden Greek..etc.
Unfortunately, another star died on 1 June 2007, I will miss her forever.
Other tortoises
The doctor mentioned a similar analogy in his office, he said: when the europeans arrived in the americas, they might have brought different diseases into the new native population, they like humidity and cave but americas does not provide such kind of needs with the europeans, europeans might die or illness.. likewises, my Belliana Tortiose has the same condition, so it suffered from illness, seriously, it might die and spread illness to other species.
To avoid mixing different tortoise species, now I put temporarily same tortoises into a tank and made them far from other species. I will try to made them homely, and try to put a man-made cave and private swimming pool in the aquarium because I think the cave will provide shelter and a good place for them to hide.
-You are welocme to use any of these pictures if you think it would be useful to you or to others. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question or you would like to know more about tortoises.
Ken Ngan
10 June 2007
17:06pm HK Time
Ken Ngan
10 June 2007
17:06pm HK Time
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