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Sunday, September 9, 2012

A memorial to a GOOD Teacher

I would like to thank a good teacher- Dr. Peter Kwan of HKCE, who led me to pass in the professional review interview. Assisted by Dr. Kwan, I not only learned the skills for interview and presentation, but also my mind was enlightened. Definitely, his advice on my technical report and preparation for CEng's interview was very helpful.
Now, I am a coporate member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (MIMechE), and I have registered at UK Engineering Council as a Chartered Engineer. My success in this was due to Dr. Kwan's enthusiastic and effective teaching, so I made a poetry and gifted him a memorial as present. See below:


I am a Full member of IMechE and a CEng

Dear friends

I am pleased to share my happiness about my success in acquiring the UK Chartered Engineer qualification; Nothing to say, except the following:
Since the start of my Master Degree in 2008 my goal was to gain professional recognition as a Chartered Engineer. Before this post-graduate degree, I never gave up any of opporturnities the god offered to me. I learned from day-time on-job training, and also took different courses to extend my knowledge. Encouragingly, my effort was rewarded by a PTE-Ordinary Certificate together with a BTEC certificate in 1994, a PTE-Higher Certificate in 1997, a PTE- Higher Diploma in 1999, and a Bachelor honors degree in 2005. All this experience is in Mechanical Engineering.

With the above qualifications and my work experience in the field, I gained my professional registration as a Chartered Engineer (CEng) in July 2012 through a HK IMechE's professional interview which was held on 11 May 12. For me personally, this registration is extremely important for a number of reasons, i.e. it clearly demonstrates to my employer as well as colleagues that I am a recognized professional engineer with the high standards in both academic and engineering. Also, it can show I have a commitment to the engineering profession. I am truly honored to be one member of the IMechE’s family and to get registration in UK engineering council as their members.
It is worthwhile to become a Chartered Engineer because it is a honorable path for each person to experience!

MIMechE (Member of the Instutition of Mechanical Engineers)
Member No.: 80166291
Registered 2012

Best Regards

Ken Ngan Chi Keung, BEng(Hons), Msc (Eng), RLE (L418), REE (E390), CEng MIMechE