About 14 months ago, I met my African
clawed frogs at Tung Choi Street, Mong Kok, they are a species
of South African aquatic frog and are found throughout most of Africa, but now
african clawed frogs have been kept as pet or kept as feed for dragon fishes in Hong Kong. Its name
is derived from the three short claws on each hind foot, which it uses to tear
apart its food. My Africa Clawed Frogs are Albino species (White in color) and they
have been kept as usual as pet in Hong Kong; my clawed frogs are different from the
original species that are often green-grey in color in Africa's ponds and rivers. From the
information, African clawed frogs can grow up to a length of 5 inches (12 cm),
they have a flattened head and baby, they have no tongue and external ears. These frogs lack true ears but have lateral lines running down the length of the body and underside, which is how they can sense movements and vibrations in the water.
(English Name: Ah Fat, 中文名字: 肥嘢)
At my home, I have 8
African Clawed Frogs, one of them is nicknamed as “Ah Fat- 肥嘢 in Chinese”. Ah Fat (see above photo) likes eating very much and needs some more foods than
other clawed frogs, She all day does not have enough exercise in the tank, and she
unwilling to do exercise is for a variety of reasons. It is definitely a rule to Ah Fat that
the best defense against infectious diseases is to build a good body resistance
like human being. Having a balanced diet to an aquatic frog is quite important;
also I highly recommend that Ah Fat needs to get enough exercise to maintain the
level of fitness of her body. Honestly, Ah Fat is now an ugly and fat frog, (I have never seen such an ugly frog before!). Needless to
say, Ah Fat has failed in her Body Mass Index (BMI).
As a matter of fact, the average life-span of these frogs ranges from 5 to 15 years, if Ah Fat can get enough exercise to train up her body, and keep her diet each day, I extremely believe that Ah Fat can live up to 20 years or above. Please keep fit now, Ah Fat!

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