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Saturday, August 28, 2010



Saturday, August 21, 2010


演講之後,就請基督徒與他辯論,當時人人懾於他的辯才、學問,畏縮不前,不敢與他辯論。這位博士洋洋得意,正要宣佈散會,忽有一位鄉下人走上臺去,問博士說,(請問博士,你有妻子麼?) 博士沒有想到這位鄉下人竟會問出這樣可笑的問題,以為他是患了神經失常的人,但又不好意思不答,於是帶著輕視的態度回答說,(有的.) 鄉下人又問:(那麼你愛不愛你的妻子呢?) 博士被他問得又好氣、又好笑,勉強管住自己,回答說,(我很愛我的妻子.) 鄉下人點點頭,又問他說,『博士,請問愛這個東西到底在那裡?』博士毫不思索的回答說,(愛在心裡.) 這時,鄉下人立即振作精神,提高聲音,嚴正質問博士說道:(博士,你既解剖過三十多具屍體,人的心臟一定看見很多個了,請問你有沒有看見愛這一個東西,到底是甚麼顏色,甚麼形狀?)博士被他問住,啞口無言,不知如何回答。

Best Regards
Ken Ngan Chi Keung

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Argentine Horned Frog on my palm

Dear friends
Last Friday in the lunch time, I was hanging out with my friend in the street near our office, it was a special afternoon because a special frog I bought in a low price (it cost me only HK$10), it was definitely quite low compared to the local reptile market price. This speical frog is called the Argentine Horned Frog, it is also known as the Wide-mouthed frog or Pacman frog. Wide-mouthed frog is the most common species of Horned Frog, from the rain forests of Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil. The so-called Wide-Mouthed Frog is a voracious eater, it will attempt to swallow anything that moves close to its wide mouth, such as insects, lizards and other frogs, even if it would suffocate in the process.
The lifespan of Argentine Horned Frog is about 6 to 7 years, also in a special case they can live up to 10 years with a biggest size like your homed telephone. The females can grow to be 14 centimeters (5.5 inches) long and the males 10 centimeters (3.9 inches), this frog was measured in a length of approximately 1.5 inches from its curly posture, so that why I said "approximately", it was difficult to measure its whole length. The Horned frogs' most prominent feature is its mouth, which accounts for roughly half of the animals overall size. Coloration is typically bright green with red markings, though dark green, parti-color black and albino versions also exist.
The following pictures of my Wide-Mouthed Frog are listed for reference:

Nowadays in the market, an argentine horned frog will cost you aournd HK$250 or above, and this frog just cost me a low price of not more than HK$10,.....and the most amazing thing is that this frog does not require eating.... seeing the above pictures, I believe that you have been aware of the price why it is worth HK$10!


Best Regards

Ken Ngan Chi Keung

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Welcome for the Newcomer

My Dearest,
Last Saturday a newcomer joined herself into a family of 2 torotises, it consisted of originally a Greek Tortoise (5 years old, Male) and a India Star Tortoise (5 years old, Male), this family is currently 3. The newcomer is a Greek Tortoise as well (approximately 3 years old, a Female Greek Tortoise). In fact, Greek Tortoise is also called Testudo Graeca or Golden Greek Tortise. Testudo Graeca is small with most reaching only about 8" (approximately 20cm), though there are occasional specimens reaching up to 12" (30cm).
(The newcomer was offered a family name "Golden Girl", this followed the Male one "Golden Boy")
The coloration of this has a bright yellow background with a few dark markings on its carapace, the length of carapace is 4.5". Unlike the male Greek having many dark markings. The people saying that the Golden Greek tortoises are very attractive animals, the most attractive one, I think, is .......the coloration of Greek Tortoises have got many variations, all in dark, partly dark and all in yellow,they require warm and dry environments like other tortoises. This tortoise is shy, so I will provide some shelters to give her a feeling of security, it maybe a plastic grotto, a wooden cage or another type of enclosure.

(As greek tortoises are shy animals, this one is like most tortoises, she doesn't enjoy being handled, she will often retreat into her shell and stay tightly wedged in with her scaly legs covering her head)
I put Golden Girl in the accommodation together with Golden Boy and Little Baby (the India Star). In general, it can be not difficult to explain why the Male one (Golden Boy) has been attacking or hitting at the newcomer's carapace since then she joined this family, the answer is most obvious, they are falling in love and will copulate. Hitting at female tortoise's carapace is a sign to express the male tortoise having interest in her.

(Left above with 4.5" long is Golden Girl, behind her having 5" is Little Baby, and at Right below is Golden Boy having 5.5 inch long)
As of this minute of this hour of today, the male one has been attacking the female one, actually it is not attack, is a sign, is an expression.

Best Regards

Ken Ngan Chi Keung

Sunday, August 8, 2010


以下有一個故事, 有一個螞蟻與人的故事, 我們一起聽一起反思, 凡事反思我們必有所得.

Ken Ngan Chi Keung

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Not Getting Enough Exercise!

Dear friends
Definitely, my weight has reached a BMI index which is incredible to me; my weight warned me of the danger a long while ago. I have been knowing that I do not get enough physical exercise instead of eating fattening diet in every afternoon, and instead of walking up stairs (I take lifts and escalators). Too fat and overweight will absolutely affect our health and heart, In daily living, such foods like Lunch A (干炒牛河+茶或咖啡), Lunch B(星洲炒米+茶或咖啡) and Lunch C (豬扖炒出前一丁+茶或咖啡)being posted on the wall in some fast-food restaurants are actually not a healthful diet, all of those chiefly consist of fat, low-fabric and high calorie.
I believe that regular exercise is an important part of effective weight loss and weight maintenance, it can help to build up muscle. Diet alone and eat against the fattening diet have met with a temporary success only in my experience because metabolic rate is decreased with little calorie. The best defence against poor health is to build a good body resistance. Besides having a balanced diet, we need to get enough exercise to maintain the level of fitness of our body. In fact, a healthy body can only be achieved through a balanced diet, regular exercise and adequate rest.
Doing exercise is an important part of it. We have to realize that without exercise and without a healthy body due to eating much more high caloric diets, we are prone to get sick. To this end, I found an appropriate method to lose weight and build up my muscle, it is “ Muay Thai Diet”, I have joined the 10-lesson coupon course in Thai-boxing school today and I will have an experience of life with Thai Boxing.

(For the course, I bought a new Thai-Boxing Trouser and a new pair of boxing gloves)
If you frustrate with your weight I recommend you to try this, maybe it is good for you and helps you to have a healthy and well-proportioned body.

Let's enter a whole new terrority.

Ken Ngan Chi Keung

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Dear friends

I found a meaningful story from the website "Living Stream Ministry", it sounds not very special but definitely is good for each person. Take a minute to read it! You may get a good harvest.

在一個天朗氣淸的早上, 有人在一座山上找到一具人的骸骨,那人手骨旁邊有塊大黃石,看去如同黃金,太陽光下發出燦爛光輝,而且又很沉重。這石頭顏色如金,實在不過是一件不值錢的特別石頭而已,這種石頭俗稱『愚人金』。凡有礦學知識的人,一看就立即知道牠是毫不值錢。這人旅行來到這山,看見這塊大石頭,以為是塊大金,就將這塊石頭帶著走了許多路程,心裡想既得如此一大塊金子,必成富翁無疑了。以後漸漸疲乏,覺得很難前進,但他仍舊背負這個無謂的重擔。唉!愚蠢的人哪!何不丟開這塊石頭,而救自己的性命呢?你看他竟沒有丟開,乃是拼命抱著走,雖至十分疲乏無力,還是不肯捨去,最終在路旁倒下,倒了仍是緊抱這塊『愚人金』。


A good book is the best of friends as like as a holy bible to you, A good story is the best of your teacher, the same today and forever.

Ken Ngan Chi Keung