There are twelve months in a year, and there are thirthy-one days in March, the 12th in March is a joyful day because I enjoy this so much. Several decades ago, a man who was born on the day of 12th in March..19XX. After several decades, this sparkish man still thinks the day is worth being celebrated. This sparkish man is me!
Perhaps you are very busy with your work and have forgotten the day, however I am still pleased to invite you to sing a brithday song with me.

Happy Birthday to me; Happy Birthday to me; Hap~py Birth~day to~~ me;
Hap~~py Birth~~day to~~~~ me.
-This birthday cake was sponsored by my mother
Good Song! & Good Cake!
Many thanks for the cake -
Yours sincerely,
Ken Ngan on 12 March
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