Dear friends;
On 29th March 11, it was the most important day to me and was indeed crucial to my career path, this day an interview was held in the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department. Before the interview, I tried and used any way to get away from the exam pressure; a favorite movie plus a delicious dinner on Exam eve were the way for me to forget temporarily the stress.
Being a winner was not easy these days, I had to bury my nose in the book day in and day out in order to stay ahead and to win the oral exam in the interview. A 4-day annual leave on 24th, 25th, 28th and 29th (exclusively Saturday on 26 and Sunday on 27) was approved as study for the exam. During these days, I missed out so much happening around me (such as the latest news about the earthquake incident in Japan, and the evolution about a one-off-grant refund of $6,000 to each citizen from HK government) as I only focused on how to face the oral exam. There were other interesting things so close to me but I was too busy at these days to stop and to treasure them. Definitely these days I just felt suffocated so that why I needed to have a favorite move and a delicious dinner to lower the tension on Exam eve.
Before going to the hell (the so-called 4-day study leave), I had chosen for myself a favorite movie (movie name: Beastly) in the evening of 17 March after office, enjoying movie is actually one of my favorite pastimes, especially with good interest to the Hollywood made film. Going to the cinema can take me away for the time being from reality and can relax my soul. The movie (say Beastly) is so well-liked in USA and in HK; its lovely story could help me forget the exam pressure.
After the movie, I joined in a special dinner with my friends in the 18th evening, we ordered in rough several dishes (oyster congee, Chiu style oyster pie, and roast duck) and beers to celebrate a living hell that came along with preparing for the oral interview in EMSD. That night was indeed happy, definitely was, it was.
The day 1 (24th Mar 11) I went back to the library of the HK Polytechnic U for my 1st day study; I boldly rescheduled my original review table and slightly changed the study plan for the coming three days. It’s a true that the priority of a candidate is to acquire technique and do well at the oral examination. For this, I thought of an important open sesame to help me easy keep those boring regulations, code of practice and information in mind, that was reading loudly to the books, of course a quiet place (such as a small garden which is quite near the “A CORE” building in the University) could be giving me a space which is free from the students, the garden, growing beautiful flowers and shrubs, is far from the library and it is always, always a consideration to me in preparing my speech before presentation.
Day 1 schedule
10:00am to 12:00pm (Chapter 327- lifts and escalators (safety) ordinance)
1:00pm to 5:00pm (Testing Procedure for new lift, existing lift and escalator)
5:00pm to 6:00m (Calculation)
7:00pm to 10:00pm (Code of Practice on the design and construction of lifts and escalators)
Following the Day 1, I seemed to acquire great amount of energy in study and mind starting from the morning of Day 2, such change was of great assistance to my study plan, it indeed accelerated my Day 2 progress and made me more time to prepare my soul for the Day 3 and Day 4.
Day 2 schedule
10:00am to 12:00pm (Review for past oral questions)
1:00pm to 4:00pm (Testing Procedure for new lift, existing lift and escalator)
6:00pm to 8:30pm (Attend mock examination prepared by Alan Law (Alan is one of my colleagues)
Saturday Schedule (26 Mar 11)
11:00am to 1:00pm (Review for Code of Practice, and technical details, lift works)
2:00pm to 4:00pm (Review for lift works and MRL)
4:00pm to 8:00pm (Attend mock examination prepared by Tony Yip (Tony is my new friend introduced by my lifelong buddies Ah Siu)
9:00pm to 10:00pm (Calculation)
Sunday Schedule (27 Mar 11)
9:00am to 12:00pm (Attend mock examination prepared by Chan Hin Wing (Wing is my formerly colleague)
1:00pm to 5:00pm (Review for Code of Practice, past oral questions and calculation)
6:00pm to 10:00pm (Review all documentations)
Day 3 Schedule (28 Mar 11)
9:00am to 12:00pm (Study for the details of testing procedure)
1:00pm to 6:00pm (Review chapter 327 (lift safety regulation), lift works and Code of Practice)
7:00pm to 10:00pm (Attend 2nd mock examination prepared by Alan Law)
Day 4 Schedule (29 Mar 11, the oral examination day)
11:00am to 1:30pm (Review all and well prepare for afternoon exam)
2:00pm to 5:00pm (Oral Exam in EMSD)
Around 5:00pm, my oral exam in EMSD was completed, the first thing I needed to do was to go to the fast-food restaurant for my lunch, I ordered a noodle mixed with luncheon meat and double eggs, and of course a favorite ice-tea was. Personally, I was satisfied the whole exam as I had tried my best to it.
Fortunately, I received a government letter on 8 April 11 and informed me that I passed in the oral exam and I has been included in the registers of lift engineer and escalator engineer kept under section 5 of the Lifts and Escalators ordinance, chapter 327. My RLE No. is L418, and REE No. is E390. I sent at my first time short message to all my friends about this good news and thanked to them for teaching me, training me and helping me in this exam. Else a best friend I have to thank to her, she is called “Diligence”, she has been accompanying me on day-in and day-out in the study period, Ms Diligence who has ever left from me a several years ago but she comes with me again when I need her. Ms Diligence who also introduced her best friend to me, she is called “Humility”, I brought her together in the exam place, my success is that she always reminded me to hear and response to the examiner carefully
Coming down to the earth, my success is not only because I have made friends with “Diligence and Humility”, but a team of good friends at my back here.
Finally, I have to thank
1. S.S. Chan & Tommy Lok
2. K T Tsui
3. Alan Law
4. K P Siu
5. Sunny Chan
6. S M Kong
7. H W Chan
8. Tony Yip
9. Henry Chan
10. Aldy Chan
11. K K Poon
12. Gordon Ng
Best Regards

Ken Ngan Chi Keung