Dear Friends
Several weeks ago, I got 12 nos. of Ryukin goldfishes from an aquaria in Mongkok , 12 nos. of Ryukin goldfishes were put in my 36-inch fish tank at the 1st week, two died after a while, another two followed the first two. Up to the present moment, only 8 are still alive in the tank.
The people saying that goldfishes have a hunger for eating and they are like an eating machine. I believe the best way of breeding a healthy goldfish that is not to offer too much to them everyday, a little offer each time to the fishes shall be at 3 to 4 intervals as per my experience , also PH value of the water shall be cared and periodically checked.

Now, 8 new ryukins have joined in the ryukin's family here, total 16 are in the tank. Hopefully, they can be a herd of beautiful and healthy ryukins.
Ken Ngan Chi Keung