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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Season is drawing near!

Dear All
Christmas Season is drawing near!

Let's put the boring jobs aside and take a likely break with happy mind in the christmas days.
"May the Christmas Season fill your home with joy, your heart with love, and your life with laughter"

Merry Christmas in 2010
Best Regards
Ken Ngan

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Ryukin Goldfishes

Dear Friends
Several weeks ago, I got 12 nos. of Ryukin goldfishes from an aquaria in Mongkok , 12 nos. of Ryukin goldfishes were put in my 36-inch fish tank at the 1st week, two died after a while, another two followed the first two. Up to the present moment, only 8 are still alive in the tank.
The people saying that goldfishes have a hunger for eating and they are like an eating machine. I believe the best way of breeding a healthy goldfish that is not to offer too much to them everyday, a little offer each time to the fishes shall be at 3 to 4 intervals as per my experience , also PH value of the water shall be cared and periodically checked.
In Hong Kong's aquarias, ryukins are always available in a wide range of colors from white to red. They can usually grow to about six inches in length and live six to ten years (if you are lucky).

Now, 8 new ryukins have joined in the ryukin's family here, total 16 are in the tank. Hopefully, they can be a herd of beautiful and healthy ryukins.

Ken Ngan Chi Keung